If you are going through menopause or perimenopause and experiencing
typical symptoms such as hot flashes, migraines, night sweats, memory loss,
weight gain, headaches, aching joints and panic attacks then it might be time
to consider a course of naturopathic therapy using bio identical hormones.
Hormone replacement therapy is meant to replace the hormones that a
woman’s endocrine system stops producing as she ages. Hormones are important
because they act as messengers from the command center of the brain to the
organs and the cells. As your supply of hormones diminish due to aging, so do
these messengers and women begin to experience a loss of energy, changing body
shape and a loss of sex drive. This
leads to a diminishment of well being as pathways to organs are shut down due
to a lack of hormonal fuel.
The best way to prevent accelerating aging and diminish lack of capacity
in general is to embark on a program of bio identical hormonal therapy so that
those messengers can be prompted again into doing their job.
What are Bio identical
Bio identical hormones are the exact substances that are bodies produce
in our glands only the hormones are created in lab. These hormones are created
from compounds found in soy beans or yams.
The man-made plant-based hormones are chemically altered in a laboratory
so that its molecular structure becomes identical to the one manufactured by
our bodies.
The reason that synthetic hormones are not recommended to help women
through menopause is because your body simply does not recognize them. Adverse side
effects are often the result of using synthetic hormones.
However bio-identical hormones have been known to be quite effective at
reducing the symptoms of menopause. One of the biggest celebrity supporters of
the practice is Oprah Winfrey who wrote that, "After one day on bio
identical estrogen, I felt the veil lift," Winfrey writes. "After
three days, the sky was bluer, my brain was no longer fuzzy, my memory was
sharper. I was literally singing and had a skip in my step."[1]
Your Individualized
Program of Healing
A prescription of this type of treatment requires the creation of a
highly individualized health profile so that you are prescribed the proper
hormones. Many factors come into play including your genetic profile, the state
of your health, your environment, what nutritional supplements you already take
and the types of foods that are in your diet.
This replacement therapy begins with a comprehensive review of all of
your symptoms and medical history and will include the testing of your blood,
urine and saliva. It may also include nutritional planning and a fitness program.
It is also a good idea for you to have a mammogram, PAP smear and
uterine ultrasound before you enter into this type of therapy to make sure that
you are in good health and a good candidate for the treatment.
For more information about hormonal correction therapy and how bio identical hormones might be able to help you visit the Pinewood Natural Health
Centre website that has a list of full services and products at www.pinewood.ca or call our Toronto Office
at (416)-656- 8100. We also have an office in Pickering, Ontario
at (905)-427-0057. You can also email us at info@pinewoodhealth.ca and we would be
happy to answer any question that you have about our holistic health services
that you have.
Miranda Hitti, Oprah and Bioidentical Hormones, WebMD Health News. Posted 2014.
Retrieved Jun3 6, 2013. http://www.webmd.com/women/news/20090115/oprah-and-bioidentical-hormones-faq
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