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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Superfoods That Enhance Fertility!

No one food can be called a magic bullet when it comes enhancing fertility, but there are some foods that assist with human reproduction and that are highly recommended for both sexes to eat in order to facilitate having a child.
Here are the top ten superfoods to include in your diet to increase fertility.

1.    Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a very rich source of Vitamin D and it supports the production of estrogen in both women and men. Estrogen is crucial for insulin production and key to regulating all cell growth. It also regulates insulin in your body so that it is in top shape for producing healthy sperm an ovum.

2.    Free Range Eggs

Eggs contain a full protein but when you eat free-range eggs you are consuming two thirds more Vitamin A then regular eggs and seven times more beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is crucial to prevent celiac disease, diabetes and other conditions of poor health that sabotage fertility.

3.    Sunflower Seeds

This is a fat-soluble vitamin that has an ingredient known as tocopherol, which in Greek means, “to bring forth a child.”

4.    Caviar

Caviar and most types of fish roes are very rich sources of Vitamin K2 that helps the body absorb Vitamins A and D. This is essential to keeping the sexual organs and sex drive in good shape.  Caviar is also high in Vitamin D and Vitamin E.

5.    Grass-fed Dairy Products

Grass fed dairy products such as yogurt, milk and cottage cheese are a good source of the fat-soluble vitamins that keep both male and female bodies supported by ample amounts of A, D K2 and E.

6.    Kefir

Fermented dairy products such as Kefir are rich sources of long-chain conjugated acids that help keep your DNA, and your future child’s DNA, healthy. Kefir is also a good source beneficial bacteria for your gut.

7.    Maca

Maca is an ancient remedy for infertility and impotence. It is an adaptogen that boosts immunity, energy and vitality in general. It is best consumed in the powdered form and mixed in a smoothie. Maca may increase the sperm count in some males.

8.    Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly contains bee pollen, which contains fifty percent more protein than beef as well as all of the B vitamins. It helps women who may be suffering from fertility issues due to endometriosis (fibroids.)  It has been used for centuries to increase sperm production in men and egg production in women. Have a teaspoonful every day.

9.    Kale

Kale is rich in Vitamin A, C, calcium, iron, potassium and folic acid. Folic acid is needed for women to conceive and also is needed to produce a fetus without neural defects.
10. Spinach

Spinach is high in both iron and folic acid, which makes it the ideal fertility food for females. Eating your spinach is particularly important for women who have low iron levels as they are more prone to experiencing ovulatory infertility. Eat spinach along with foods full of Vitamin C such as oranges, broccoli, strawberries or green peppers for a synergistic effect.

Remember to avoid all white sugars and flours, chemicals and preservatives as choose organic groceries whenever possible.

For more information or to book a consultation about our restorative Healthy and Active diet and weight loss programs or any health issue you may be experiencing, visit the Pinewood Natural Health Centre website that has a list of full services and products at www.pinewood.ca or call our Toronto Office at  (416)-656- 8100.  We also have an office in Pickering, Ontario at (905)-427-0057. You can also email us at info@pinewoodhealth.ca and we would be happy to answer any question that you have about our holistic health services.

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