This is Dr. Michael Rahman, I am
a Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto.
I wanted to share a case study
from naturopathic practice regarding a patient who came to see me for irritable
bowel syndrome. (IBS) In case this is a new
term to you, IBS is a very uncomfortable bowel condition that typically
involves alternating diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, gas
and/or various food intolerances.
This patient (I will call her Sherri)
came to see me with all of these symptoms and had given up hope that there was
a solution. She had tried Western
medications, dietary changes, and even some stress reduction techniques, yet
her symptoms were not improving.
The beauty of my approach is
that it can often help even when other modalities or approaches come up
short. This is because naturopathic
medicine has a very unique way of diagnosing and treating our chronic health
concerns. In Sherri’s case, I noticed
that she was holding onto a lot of stress in her body. Her shoulders were hunched, her face seemed
tense, and even her voice carried the tone of tension. This all suggested to me that I had to help
her liver become regulated, as it’s very common for the liver to be the
underlying cause of IBS.
Even after the first session, I
noticed a profound change in Sherri’s entire disposition. Her face looked more youthful and relaxed,
her shoulder were down, she was breathing deeper, and it was apparent that her
mind was slower and more at peace. Even
Sherri made the comment, “Wow, I haven’t felt this relaxed in years.”
This was confirmation to me that
we were on the right track. Sherri came back the following week saying she was
still having the symptoms of IBS, but that they were 25% less severe than
normal. This encouraged her, though
still concerned that these symptoms would plague her forever.
I offered Sherri a similar
strategy, with a few adjustments and
could tell once again that her body was receiving the work on a very deep
level. She once again expressed
astonishment by how peaceful and relaxed she felt, by our mind-boy exercise; we
then looked towards identifying food intolerances.
Sherri came in the following
week saying that her symptoms were reduced by about 75%, which she was
extremely excited about. Amazingly,
after 2 more sessions, her symptoms were completely clear as Sherri experienced
healthy digestive function for the first time in years.
In her words, “I feel like I
have my life back. I
can now do the things I have been putting on hold for so long. It’s amazing to feel this way!”
Sherri now comes in occasionally
for maintenance treatments. She still
has to minimize certain foods that can cause an inflammatory reaction in her
gut, and she has committed to daily yoga practice to help her stress level and
overall health. Sherri made the connection for herself that she had to take
responsibility for her health and really listen to what her body was trying to
tell her. Because she was willing to do
this, our work together went to a much deeper level and she was able to reap
the full benefit of naturopathic medicine
If you struggle with IBS and are
looking for natural solutions, feel free to call my office at 416 – 656 -8100
in Toronto or Pickering at 905- 427 - 0057 so we can discuss your situation and
create a plan that will help you the most.
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