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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Eating Clean is Eating Vegan!

There is a good reason that eating vegan is sometimes called “Eating clean.” Living Clean or Eating Clean as is built on the premise that “if you are what you eat then you should eat the best that you can.”

If you are eating dirty, then you are eating old dead food.  The more refined a food is, the deader it is and the worse it is for your physical health. 
Eating vegan means –

Eat live foods. Eating live foods means consuming fresh foods  Stay away from eating dead foods. These are foods that must be trucked from far away and are sprayed with preservatives, have been processed or that have been sitting around on a store shelf for too long.

Eating locally. Eating locally means that you are not going to eat food that is transported from a long ways away.  This also reduces your likelihood of eating a GMO food that has been altered not to rot.  Food that is not grown near you tends to be grown with more pesticide, is more at risk of being rotten or containing e-coli and is older so it does not taste as good.  Foods that are grown locally are fresher, have more nutrition and taste better.  When you eat locally you also help reduce global warming and it helps your local economy.

Eating raw. Eating raw means eating as many raw vegan foods as you can so that you can get the most nutrients from what you consume.  Most of us eat food that is heated over 188 degrees, which destroys most of its nutrients.  Cooking food also destroys many of the natural enzymes that are used by the body to break down food for digestion and facilitate the absorption of nutrients and the expelling of waste.  Old dead food that is processed, salty and stoked with chemical preservatives simply passes through the body with no real benefits.

There are a lot of benefits to eating raw and that includes more energy during the day and a deeper, more satisfying night’s sleep.  When you eat raw you can practically feel your skin healing itself at night.  You have more than enough fiber to keep your bowel movements regular, which in turn improves cell respiration and fights cell oxidization and aging.

Yet another benefit of eating raw is that you can eat as much as you want without becoming toxic or clogging up your system. You never have to go hungry because raw foods are complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. 

Eating organically is another principle to keep in mind as you become vegan.

There are two great reasons to eat organically and that is that is your only assurance of totally avoiding pesticides and antibiotic-resistant infections. You also support local farmers and smaller agricultural operations when you eat organic; it is more ethical.

Finally it is also important to eat alkaline.  Eating alkaline means mostly eating raw foods with a low acid content. Bacteria and viruses cannot live in a highly alkaline environment and if your body is not acidic no disease can take root. 

There is a good reason that eating vegan is sometimes called “Eating clean.” Living Clean or Eating Clean as is built on the premise that “if you are what you eat then you should eat the best that you can.”
If you are eating dirty, then you are eating old dead food.  The more refined a food is, the deader it is and the worse it is for your physical health. 

Eating vegan means –
Eat live foods. Eating live foods means consuming fresh foods  Stay away from eating dead foods. These are foods that must be trucked from far away and are sprayed with preservatives, have been processed or that have been sitting around on a store shelf for too long.

Eating locally. Eating locally means that you are not going to eat food that is transported from a long ways away.  This also reduces your likelihood of eating a GMO food that has been altered not to rot.  Food that is not grown near you tends to be grown with more pesticide, is more at risk of being rotten or containing e-coli and is older so it does not taste as good.  Foods that are grown locally are fresher, have more nutrition and taste better.  When you eat locally you also help reduce global warming and it helps your local economy.

Eating raw. Eating raw means eating as many raw vegan foods as you can so that you can get the most nutrients from what you consume.  Most of us eat food that is heated over 188 degrees, which destroys most of its nutrients.  Cooking food also destroys many of the natural enzymes that are used by the body to break down food for digestion and facilitate the absorption of nutrients and the expelling of waste.  Old dead food that is processed, salty and stoked with chemical preservatives simply passes through the body with no real benefits.

There are a lot of benefits to eating raw and that includes more energy during the day and a deeper, more satisfying night’s sleep.  When you eat raw you can practically feel your skin healing itself at night.  You have more than enough fiber to keep your bowel movements regular, which in turn improves cell respiration and fights cell oxidization and aging.

Yet another benefit of eating raw is that you can eat as much as you want without becoming toxic or clogging up your system. You never have to go hungry because raw foods are complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. 

Eating organically is another principle to keep in mind as you become vegan.  =.

There are two great reasons to eat organically and that is that is your only assurance of totally avoiding pesticides and antibiotic-resistant infections. You also support local farmers and smaller agricultural operations when you eat organic; it is more ethical.

Finally it is also important to eat alkaline.  Eating alkaline means mostly eating raw foods with a low acid content. Bacteria and viruses cannot live in a highly alkaline environment and if your body is not acidic no disease can take root. 

For more information or to book a consultation about anti-aging, diet and weight loss programs or any health issue you may be experiencing, visit the Pinewood Natural Health Clinic website that has a list of full services and products at www.pinewood.ca or call our Toronto Office at  (416)-656- 8100.  We also have an office in Pickering, Ontario at (905)-427-0057. You can also email us at info@pinewoodhealth.ca and we would be happy to answer any question that you have about our holistic health services.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring Cleaning!

by Ana Nozari, BSc, ND
Naturopathic Doctor

After the long and harsh winter we have had this year we are all looking forward to spring, for warmer weather and seeing nature renew itself. Spring is also a great time for us to cleanse our bodies from all the waste and toxins which accumulate over months of inactivity and breathing stale indoor air.

Many of you are aware of our main organs of elimination and detoxification like liver, colon and kidneys which work hard round the clock to process and remove the endogenous (produced in the body from metabolic processes) and exogenous toxins (from what we ingest). Our secondary organs of elimination like skin, lymphatic system, and lungs are also important in removing unwanted toxins. Skin is our largest organ of elimination, but it also can be a route for toxins getting into our body by topical application of cosmetics, lotions and detergents. Therefore, it’s important to be very selective with what we put on and in our bodies to reduce the toxic load.

So what are some of the ways we can help our body cleanse itself this spring?

Watercress Cleanses the organs and system.
Nature gives us the answer as always! Some of the plants and vegetables that come around spring time have a great ability to stimulate and support our detoxification organs. These wonderful plants include dandelion greens, fiddleheads, watercress, cilantro and parsley which help our liver and kidneys to remove toxins more efficiently. So try to load up on these plants or use them in a vegetable juice cocktail.

Other than the specific supplements that may also be recommended to you by your naturopathic doctor, you will need to make sure to take extra fiber and clean filtered water to help with the elimination process, and avoid released toxins from recirculating in the body.
As the temperatures are rising try to get outside more and do deep breathing exercises to get more oxygenated blood to your tissues. Also open the windows to aerate your home or use good quality air filter to remove air toxins and pollutants.

Last but not least dry skin brushing and infra red sauna are great ways of aiding our lymphatic system and skin in the elimination process. Make sure to use a natural Bristol brush and gently brush your skin from extremities toward the centre daily before you take a shower.

If your seasonal allergies stop you from enjoying spring consider NAET treatments available at Pinewood. This therapy is very effective in eliminating environmental and food allergy/sensitivities.

Dr. Ana Nozari treats many different health problems using the principles of naturopathic medicine. She has a special interest in the areas of women's health and fertility, allergies, food and environmental sensitivities, as well as pain management. She focuses on prevention and health maintenance.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Ten Superfoods For Energy and Vitality

Superfoods are considered to be superior to ordinary foods because of their high nutritional content and low fat content. These are the foods that have numerous phytonutrients and special compounds that can help give you a bit of a boost during the day.  Feelings of fatigue, depression and other problems can be treated by consuming these foods. These are nutrient-dense foods that can also help people recovering from and illness to get better faster.

1. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen for human consumption
Bee pollen is approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be sued directly by the body. Bee pollen contains as substantial amount of B12 and is a good source of the vitamin if you are vegan or vegetarian.  B12 helps us sustain energy over long periods of time. It is also helpful for asthma, allergies and arthritis; three health conditions that can really slow people down.

Bee Pollen looks like rolled  golden dust balls. These are crunchy and taste a bit sweet. You can eat bee pollen straight or sprinkle it on cereal or eat it with honey on toast.

2.   Maca

Maca is adaptogenic superfood that has been a staple food of the Peruvian Andes for centuries. Dried maca powder contains more than 10% protein, nearly 20 amino acids, and 7 essential amino acids. As a root crop, maca contains five times more protein than a potato and four times more fiber. It is not a complete protein but it contains many amino acids and the building blocks needed to create certain hormones. It is also rich in phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron and contains the B vitamins, C and E.

Maca, which is sold as a powder, has a very earthy taste with a nutty quality. Maca can be added to all kinds of smoothies, teas, nut milks, coffee or drunk as a hot beverage on its own. As an ingredient it also enhances desserts and treats.

3.  Mangosteen

Mangosteens, grown in East Asia are small shiny round deep-red to purple to black fruits about the size of a plum topped with a green stem with four green leaves. Inside the fruit is purple or red juice and segments of snow white, soft flesh.

Mangosteen is very high in Vitamin C providing about 12% of RDA per 100 grams with B vitamins, magnesium, copper and substances called xanothones that remedy arthritis, fibromyalgia and asthma.  Eating this fruit can also prevent mental degeneration and prevent cancer.

It is found in exotic fruit markets. It is best eaten raw or in a smoothie.

4. Spirulina

Spirulina is an edible cyanobacterium that if full two kinds of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira patensis and Arthrospira maxima. It is used as both a dietary supplement and as a whole food and it is available in tablet, flake and powder form. It has been marketed in cake form since the 1th century by Aztecs who called it techuitiati.

Spirulina is rich in gamma-lineolic acid and alpha-linoleic, which improve brain function and extend life. It also contains all of the B vitamins, C D, A, E and allot the minerals such as chromium, copper, calcium, iron magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc.

Spirulina increases energy because it detoxifies it of heavy metals. It is also beneficial for the thyroid and contains all of the amino acids, which makes it one of the most efficient foods that you can eat.

It is best to consume it as a pre-mixed solution.

5.  Kiwi Fruit

Kiwis are full of antioxidants that help neutralize the free radicals that damage cells and lead to inflammation and cancer.  The high Vitamin C content helps prevent asthma, arteriosclerosis, osteoarthritis and colon cancer. Kiwi is high in Vitamin E, which helps lower cholesterol and boost immunity. Eating two to three Kiwi fruits a day can reduce the potential for blood clots and decrease triglycerides.

The high Vitamin C content also helps fight the effects of stress and aging.  The high magnesium content improves muscle and nerve function and helps boost energy levels.

It is best to eat it raw or blended in a smoothie.

6.  Tarragon

The herb tarragon has been found to have constituents in it that help calm the digestive system and increase its ability to assimilate nutrients. This is of great assistance to those who are older or are in recovery. The herb increases the appetite and a sense of well being. It also contains volatile oils that are helpful in allowing cells to purge waste.

Tarragon is an herb that is often used in French cooking to season vegetables and especially chicken.

7.  Passionfruit

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that is about the size of an apple. It is red on the outside and filled with tiny golden green seeds.

Passionfruit is a superior source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium providing antioxidant protection for all of the organs of the body. The high potassium level regulates heart rate and blood pressure and creates feelings of vitality and energy.

8.   Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is contains short chained saturated fats called medium chain triglycerides or MCTs.  This type of oil lessens the strain on the pancreas, liver, and GI tract and helps us digest protein more easily.  It is also the most stable of the fatty acid sources.

Coconut oil promotes vitality by stabilizing blood sugar and hormones and stimulating the thyroid, liver and pancreas.

You can use coconut oil in most situations that you would normally use cooking oil.

9.  Papayas

Papayas are long pear shaped fruits with a rich orange flesh and black peppery tasting seeds. The enzymes in papaya have unique qualities that reduce inflammation and promote digestive health. This in turn leads to more energy.  The high levels of vitamin C and A in papaya also leads to a healthier immune system. This is also a fruit that has the ability to dissolve the dangerous plaques that can cause heart attacks or strokes on artery walls.

Papaya is best eaten raw or mixed into a smoothie.

10.  Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc and also every available form of vitamin E including alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocomonoenol, and gamma-tocomonoenol.  This makes pumpkin seeds a potent anti-aging, healing and disease fighting food that sharpens mental acuity and bestows a feeling of vitality. They are known for fighting cancer.

Pumpkin seed can be bought as a supplementary powder or as a roasted snack.

For more information or to book a consultation about anti-aging, diet and weight loss programs or any health issue you may be experiencing, visit the Pinewood Natural Health Clinic website that has a list of full services and products at www.pinewood.ca or call our Toronto Office at  (416)-656- 8100.  We also have an office in Pickering, Ontario at (905)-427-0057. You can also email us at info@pinewoodhealth.ca and we would be happy to answer any question that you have about our holistic health services.